the current

Analysing the current

By using the electromagnetic signature of a current, we visualise deformation phenomena. These changes are reliable signs of future incidents, as they indicate that one of the components consuming the current is starting to malfunction and this is producing disturbances in the signal. This method makes it possible to see and quantify the number and intensity of fluctuations, which gives an accurate view of the situation because only a few sinusoids are needed to visualise it.

Identifying harmonics

The frequency observation of the electric current shows the decomposition of the signal into harmonics. Depending on the configuration and equipment, the appearance or absence of harmonic components in a current gives an objective indication of the operating quality of the devices supplied.

Gausscope, our maintenance offer

We provide you with the probe and the software, but not the tablet. You make the recordings, we analyse your data in time and frequency.

479€ excl. tax

/ months

Trial offer

No commitment

1 Probe

1 Windows 10 tablet

1 Connectivity

1 Virtualisation software

1 User manual

1 Tutorial

1 Typical Breakdowns Guide

1975€ excl. tax


1 Probe

1 Connectivity

1 Virtualisation software

1 User manual

1 Tutorial

1 Typical Breakdowns Guide

1 year warranty


Expert assessment

Customised analysis

Definition of monitoring programme

Records Intervention report




Coaching and handover

Analysing the current

Customised in-company training programme monitoring

See all our offers